About – Nordic Contrasts

Nordic Food – contrast, origin and simplicity…

Nordic Contrasts is dedicated to the Nordic Cuisine and all its beauties. Our knowledge, creativity and curiosity for nature is the backbone in all our recipes. Trying to bring the trends down to earth and make Nordic food something every home cook can apply and would cook on an ordinary weeknight.

The fundamental basis is fresh seasonal ingredients able grow within the northern part of the world – the combinations, flavours and techniques are what makes the Nordic Cuisine unique.

“Nordic Cuisine for the Home Cook” is  my range of cooking classes that teach you how to smoke, pickle, “low-roasting”, curing and giving you the opportunity to taste unusual ingredients only found within the Nordic countries – have you ever tasted sweet woodruff, proper cherry wine or maybe fresh seabuckthorn.

I’m Mia Irene Kristensen, the founder and writer of Nordic Contrasts. A Dane with a deep love for the food and nature of my region of the world. I’ve been working with Nordic food for years and seen the increasing interest in the New Nordic Cuisine. This blog contains Nordic recipes that characterise the food that I develop, teach and cook at home. Use the recipes as an inspiration to make friends and family happy, and to expand your knowledge of Nordic Food.


Let’s enjoy the contrasts of the north!


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